Friday, April 8, 2011

blog 11

If everyone lived "with our future in mind" do you think we would live different?
I definately think if we thought about our future we would live differently.  I know when I was in my teens, and would lay out with baby oil on in the heat of the day, I was not thinking about my skins future.  In my twenties, I continued to tan, eat junk food, etc and really didnt think about my future.  I think when I turned 35, I began to think about my future more.  When wrinkles appeared, extra pounds, not enough sleep, etc has all affected my future.  Now that I am 40, I really try to consider my future.  I wear sunscreen when in the sun, I look for organic foods, and wrinkle creams to help undo the things that I did to my body in my younger years.  I am trying to get my teenagers now to understand the importance of how we live now will affect us when we are older.


  1. Hi Tennistracy
    You are so correct, you make some excellent points; we usually don’t get the message to discontinue doing what can harm us until something bad happens to us or someone we know. It is a wakeup call when we start noticing the little things changing like a few extra pounds or the wrinkles as you said. Then and only then do we start taking drastic measures, and with me when the problem starts to dissipate the measures start disappearing too.

  2. Hello Tennistracy,

    You are prime example that habits can be changed to further not only your future but the future of others. I believe people really do take their futures serious. Just yesterday I was at the park walking and it was still quite sunny, I notice some parents were applying sunscreen on their children and using hand sanitizer. They were setting the ground work of good habits (safety first). Another example I notice is that more people are wearing their seat belts. When I was growing up seat belts were not important. I feel due to education and awareness people are becoming more aware of habits and behaviors that can extend their life expectancy.


