Friday, March 25, 2011

blog 9

What are the biggest challenges to regular exercise and a healthy diet do you face?  How are these challenges going to change for you over the next five years?

My biggest challenges are I exercise on a regular basis but I only play tennis.  Which for most people that should be enough, but my body is so stubborn and accustomed to tennis that I am unable to lose weight with tennis alone.  I regularly play 5 times a week but I struggle to fit in any other form of exercise usually because of time constraints of just to tired.  I also work a lot of night shifts and day shifts so I really think my body is out of whack.  I have tried every diet known to man and have had success for short periods of time.  My body is just not the same as it was before children.  I think a lot of yoyo dieting also has contibuted to my lack of success. 
As for the diet, I am a very picky eater as well has having a lot of food allergies/sensititvities so it is really hard for me.  The healthy stuff is what seems to give me the most trouble.  There are very little fruits and vegetables that I like or can eat.  I love fast food and pizza.
I know over the next 5 years my struggle will continue and I will battle with my weight.  It is very discouraging but I really just need to be happy with myself and be as healthy as possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracey,
    I can relate to your frustration with trying to lose the weight when you are active but your body is accustomed to your regular physical activity, in your case tennis. I used to power walk 10 miles a day, five days a week and even though I stopped for a few years, power walking doesn’t jump start my body to lose weight.
    I’ve tried a few different types of exercise and discovered that the elliptical is working for me, so its sitting in the middle of my living room floor and I’ll find a quick 30min. sitcom or TV show that I like (or have taped on the DVR) and will work out during the segment and after a month of consistency in doing this, I’ve lost 7lbs! I will admit that I’ve been eating less “empty” calories and carbs and have been consuming more fiber, water and protein and eating every 3hrs (very difficult I might add).
    Don’t get discouraged, you can redirect your metabolism, but it will take a little more commitment. I only wish that I could play tennis, I’ll bet you have the legs that I’m exercising to get, lol.
    Thanks for sharing.
    p.s. What about finding a stadium and running up once and down once everyday, or doing the Insanity while you’re at home w/ your family? I’m planning to get either Insanity or P90X.
