Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog #1

What health issues you are most concerned about? Why?
I am personally most concerned with heart disease, and Alzheimer's diesease.  My father has had 3 heart attacks, the first being when he was in his early 50's.  He has had surgeries in all three instances.  My father was a college football player, and has always been healthy and fit.  He walks everyday and eats a healthy diet, he has never been overweight.  The doctors said that hereditary play the major part of his health issues.  I am a tennis player and have been since high school, over 25 years.  I play 4-6 times a week, doubles and singles.  I eat fairly well and try to walk and do other exercise on a regular basis.  Although I am overweight and have been since the birth of my first child.  I suffered from high blood pressure while I was married to my second husband, but that subsided when I got divorced. 
I also worry about Alzheimer's, my maternal grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's for approximately 15 years before she passed away.  It is said that it skips a generation, and that would be me.  I think that is why I continue to go to school and keep my mind active, hopefully to help prevent it.

Interview 2-3 women (different ages, ethnicities and/or cultures if possible) and ask them the same question.

Susan, 42yr old black female.  Susan said she was most concerned with diabetes and heart disease.
She is concerned because of family history of both diseases in her family.  She is currently considered obese and is heavist in her belly, which is a precursor for diabetes.  She tries to eat a healthy diet and exercise three times a week.

Sandy, 67yr old white female.  Sandy is concerned with heart disease as well.  She has already had open heart surgery several times.  She walks several miles everyday, plays tennis and eats healthy.  She is in healthy weight range for her height.  She had heart issues while in her thirties.  She also fears that her children with have similar issues.

I think our family history has a lot to do with our concerns about our own health.  At least it seemed to with the women I interviewed.

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