Saturday, March 12, 2011

Healthcare: Right or Privilege?

This is the United States of America, land of the free. Good health care is a privilege, not a right. Yet I don't believe this is how it should be.

Prescription-drug costs are out of control. People are having to choose between food and their prescriptions. In general, the cost of health care is out of control. I have friends who work two and three jobs in order to have health insurance. There are millions of Americans without health insurance. I am one of them.  As a self employed/single mom, the cost of insurance is just to high. The cost of going to a doctor is so high many Americans don't even bother until it is often too late.

We need health-care reform. I really dont think what our current President is planning will work but I guess we will see.

Health needs to be a right for all Americans, not a privilege.

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