Friday, April 8, 2011

blog 11

If everyone lived "with our future in mind" do you think we would live different?
I definately think if we thought about our future we would live differently.  I know when I was in my teens, and would lay out with baby oil on in the heat of the day, I was not thinking about my skins future.  In my twenties, I continued to tan, eat junk food, etc and really didnt think about my future.  I think when I turned 35, I began to think about my future more.  When wrinkles appeared, extra pounds, not enough sleep, etc has all affected my future.  Now that I am 40, I really try to consider my future.  I wear sunscreen when in the sun, I look for organic foods, and wrinkle creams to help undo the things that I did to my body in my younger years.  I am trying to get my teenagers now to understand the importance of how we live now will affect us when we are older.

Friday, March 25, 2011

blog 9

What are the biggest challenges to regular exercise and a healthy diet do you face?  How are these challenges going to change for you over the next five years?

My biggest challenges are I exercise on a regular basis but I only play tennis.  Which for most people that should be enough, but my body is so stubborn and accustomed to tennis that I am unable to lose weight with tennis alone.  I regularly play 5 times a week but I struggle to fit in any other form of exercise usually because of time constraints of just to tired.  I also work a lot of night shifts and day shifts so I really think my body is out of whack.  I have tried every diet known to man and have had success for short periods of time.  My body is just not the same as it was before children.  I think a lot of yoyo dieting also has contibuted to my lack of success. 
As for the diet, I am a very picky eater as well has having a lot of food allergies/sensititvities so it is really hard for me.  The healthy stuff is what seems to give me the most trouble.  There are very little fruits and vegetables that I like or can eat.  I love fast food and pizza.
I know over the next 5 years my struggle will continue and I will battle with my weight.  It is very discouraging but I really just need to be happy with myself and be as healthy as possible. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Menopause blog 8

For a woman, aging changes involve hormone levers, physical changes in our entire reporductive tract, and psychological changes.  Changes also occur in the intricate relationship between our ovarian hormones and those produced by the pituitary gland (in the brain).

Menopause is a normal part of a woman's aging process.  It is usually thought of to not be a fun time for woman or the man living with the woman that is going through it.  But all woman are different so transition wonderfully and others would rather die.

Many of my friends are older women, 60 plus, and they have aged gracefully and most have been through menopause.  They are still very active in sports, and many have a good active sex life as well.

Woman and aging seems to get a bad rap if you ask me, but I know when I was a teenager and my mom went through it, it was dreadful for my dad and my brother and sister and I.  I think society has come a little way and it is not looked at so negatively now.  I really think staying active and eating a healthy diet has something to do with it also.

blog 7

Many people equate STDs with immorality, promiscuous behavior and low social status.  What are your thoughts on this statement?

I honestly and one of those people that think that.  I am a nurse and have been for 10 years and I will admit every case I came across seemed to be based on immorality or promiscuous behavior.  The social status not so much.  There are STDs that happily married people get and they are faithful.  Just my personal experience from a nursing standpoint is that most people male or female get STDs from promiscuous behavior.

blog 6

Should prenatal testing be routine for all pregnant women?  Why ro why not?

I feel that prenatal testing should be routine for all pregnant women.  There are a lot of things to consider when you are having a baby.  Most people have no problems with their pregnancy but some would like to know if their child may have Down's syndrome, or other chromosomal disorders, or heart defects.  Many people will not want a special needs child, some do not care, but everyone is different.
Since I personally work with special needs children: anything from cerebral palsy, downs, autism, crohn's disease, to many others, the parents with these children were given them for a reason.  But there a some people in this world that only want a perfect child and they will abort anything that is not.  I personally feel that is a a child no matter what and God created it and its life should not be taken.

Blog 5

I interviewed Melissa, a 32 year old mom of 5 children.  Melissa's children are 9, 8, 4, and twins 3.  She knew she wanted a big family when she was a teenager.  Her and her husband do not believe in birth control.  Because of her pregnancies being so close together and so hard on her body she had to have a hysterectomy after the twins.  After many health problems and marital problems, Melissa is now a single mother.  She often thinks life would be easier without 5 children, but she does love them all the same.  Right now she is a full time student, and works part time, and is living off child support, PELL Grant, Food Stamps, and CCMS (free daycare).

I personally feel that she is not working hard enough and should try to get off of all of the support.  I know when I left my husband with 2 small children (5yrs and 6months)  I never considered living off of welfare.  It was my choice to leave and I had to survive on my own with out welfare, and i did and still do.  Children need to see their parents work for something and not get things for free.  I think a lot of people on welfare have it pretty easy.

Sex Education in Schools

I personally do not think sex education should even be taught in schools and if it is it should be abstinence only.  This is one reason why I have my son in a Christian school where he learns that you should wait until you are married to have sex.  I grew up in a public school and was taught sex education, but I did practice abstinence until I was married.  I was often ridiculed and made fun of a lot for doing so.  Many of may friends said they would wait but they didnt.  There are so many teen pregnancies today and the boys that get them pregnant are not willing or able to step up and help.
Being a parent is a very important job and a life long job and should be considered carefully.

Adolescents and healthy behavior

As a single mom to a teenage son it is very hard to get him to follow healthy behaviors.  I only buy healthy organic snacks including fruits and vegetables at the house.  And we try to eat at home as much as possible.  Occasionally we will have a junk day and usually he feels bogged down after that day and has realized that the healthy food makes him feel much better.  We have created a workout room at our house and we work out together.  I limit his time on the computer and television. 

For other parents I would encourage you to try to be active with your kids, basketball, frisbee golf, tennis, golf, swimming etc.  I personally hate basketball but my son enjoys it so we go shoot hoops on a regular basis.

I think we need to have a stricter policy on the food that is served to children at school.  It generally is high in fat and sodium.  I think they should take coke machines out of schools as well. 

We also need to encourage more activity at school.  Often times PE is nothing more than kids sitting around talking to each other.  We need some very proactive teachers that make activity fun.

Healthcare: Right or Privilege?

This is the United States of America, land of the free. Good health care is a privilege, not a right. Yet I don't believe this is how it should be.

Prescription-drug costs are out of control. People are having to choose between food and their prescriptions. In general, the cost of health care is out of control. I have friends who work two and three jobs in order to have health insurance. There are millions of Americans without health insurance. I am one of them.  As a self employed/single mom, the cost of insurance is just to high. The cost of going to a doctor is so high many Americans don't even bother until it is often too late.

We need health-care reform. I really dont think what our current President is planning will work but I guess we will see.

Health needs to be a right for all Americans, not a privilege.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog #1

What health issues you are most concerned about? Why?
I am personally most concerned with heart disease, and Alzheimer's diesease.  My father has had 3 heart attacks, the first being when he was in his early 50's.  He has had surgeries in all three instances.  My father was a college football player, and has always been healthy and fit.  He walks everyday and eats a healthy diet, he has never been overweight.  The doctors said that hereditary play the major part of his health issues.  I am a tennis player and have been since high school, over 25 years.  I play 4-6 times a week, doubles and singles.  I eat fairly well and try to walk and do other exercise on a regular basis.  Although I am overweight and have been since the birth of my first child.  I suffered from high blood pressure while I was married to my second husband, but that subsided when I got divorced. 
I also worry about Alzheimer's, my maternal grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's for approximately 15 years before she passed away.  It is said that it skips a generation, and that would be me.  I think that is why I continue to go to school and keep my mind active, hopefully to help prevent it.

Interview 2-3 women (different ages, ethnicities and/or cultures if possible) and ask them the same question.

Susan, 42yr old black female.  Susan said she was most concerned with diabetes and heart disease.
She is concerned because of family history of both diseases in her family.  She is currently considered obese and is heavist in her belly, which is a precursor for diabetes.  She tries to eat a healthy diet and exercise three times a week.

Sandy, 67yr old white female.  Sandy is concerned with heart disease as well.  She has already had open heart surgery several times.  She walks several miles everyday, plays tennis and eats healthy.  She is in healthy weight range for her height.  She had heart issues while in her thirties.  She also fears that her children with have similar issues.

I think our family history has a lot to do with our concerns about our own health.  At least it seemed to with the women I interviewed.